Friday, September 11, 2009

11/09/09- Balo Sokak Encounter

10/09/09- Sofyali Sokak

10/09/09- Istiklal Caddesi

10/09/09- Ekmekci Basi Camii Sokagi

10/09/09- Cukurcuma'ya inerken

09/09/09- Seyhbender Sokagi

09/09/09- Aslihan Pasaji

09/09/09- Kumbaraci Yokusu

Amerika potansiyeldir. Sokakta kendine yaratacagi performatif alanda devam etmelidir. Izleyicisi ve zaman/mekanini belirleyen sehri olmadan varolamaz. Bir olasiligi teklif eder.

Amerika bir yansitma ve bir vaattir. Oklahoma Acikhava Tiyatrosu'na davet cagrisi Kafka'nin Amerika'sinin kahramani Karl Rossmann'i donusturen andir. Umut kendi sakasini icinde barindirir. Simdi bu davet, ona Istanbul sokaklarinda denk gelen herkese acik.

"Bu etkinlik bu gece mi olacak?" Posterin isaret ettigi simdinin aciliyeti bir Bienal turistinin kacirmamasi gereken baska bir etkinlik olarak da okunabilir. Hepimiz once kendi oznelliklerimizle mesguluz.

Amerika 09/09/09'da Mesrutiyet Caddesi'nde basladi. Obur olasi mekanlari Taksim, Karakoy, Bomonti ve Besiktas civarinda. Bu poster projesi Mladen Bizumic ve Övül Durmusoglu tarafindan gerceklestiriliyor, proje asistani Yildiz Aslandogan.


America is the potential. It needs to be continued in the form of performative space on the street. The work doesn’t exist without its audience and without a city marking its time and space. It is a proposal for something to happen.

America is a projection and a promise. The call to The Nature Theatre of Oklahoma, viewed by Karl Rossmann of Kafka’s America, is his transformative moment. Hope contains its own joke. Now the invitation is open to everyone who comes across it on Istanbul streets.

“Is this happening tonight?” The urgency of now suggested by the poster may be read as another event not be missed by a Biennial tourist. We are all entangled by our individual subjectivities.

The project started on 09/09/09 from Mesrutiyet Caddesi, Taksim. Possible locations will be around Taksim, Karakoy, Bomonti and Besiktas. It is a collaboration of Mladen Bizumic and Övül Durmusoglu, assisted by Yildiz Aslandogan.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

On Walking The Talk by Mladen Bizumic: Notes on "America"

Karl Rossman's life is turning into a failure. He's been sent in exile by his parents from Germany to America because he made a girl pregnant. He's still just a teenager. His American uncle doesn't like him at all. Poor, depressed and unemployed - Karl wonders across America trying to get a job and survive. The short lift-boy stint at the hotel turns violently, he gets fired and once again, is back on the street. Wondering without purpose, he sees the poster on the corner of the street. Finally, a bit of light in Karl's life! The poster says:

"The Oklahoma Theatre will engage members for its company today at Clayton race-course from six o'clock in the morning until midnight. The great Theatre of Oklahoma calls you! Today only and never again! If you miss your chance now you miss it for ever! If you think of your future you are one of us! Everyone is welcome! If you want to be an artist, join our company! Our Theatre can find employment for everyone, a place for everyone! If you decide on an engagement we congratulate you here and now! But hurry, so that you get in before midnight! At twelve o'clock the doors will be shut and never open again! Down with all those who do not believe in us! Up, and to Clayton!"